For my first post I am supposed to write about my current relationship. I like this topic. As most of you know, this would not of been my ideal topic only 10 months ago. Going through a divorce was one of the most difficult things I have ever dealt with. (As you can tell from my previous blog posts.) But I look at my life now from how it was then and the difference is like night and day. I can legitimately say..I am happy. I am. I normally am always a happy person, no matter what, but there is an insane difference between being happy on the outside and really being happy deep down. Don't get me wrong, I am an extremely independent person and don't need a man in my life to make me happy, lots of things make me happy. My friends and family have always been a big part of it. At the end of the day when you are able to come home to someone you care for so much and they care for you the same way it's just different. I can't explain it, but it's a great feeling!
I have been dating my boyfriend, Burt, for about 7 months now. I have always known of him because he played in a band I really liked, but it wasn't until just the end of last year that I actually met him. We started spending a lot of time together and fell for each other quickly. We made things 'official' January 25th of this year. I will always remember that date because it was at the Macklemore concert in Park City. That was a wonderful weekend, we had tons of fun and really got to know each other. It wasn't much later we got serious and moved in together. We now live in an amazing apartment in Salt Lake City and have an adorable, big, fuzzy bear for a child. (Our dog.)
I know it seems like our relationship has moved quickly, and it has, but we became best friends before anything. Because of this I think our relationship has been more then perfect. We have so much fun together and have so many things in common, it just makes things that much easier. He supports me and is always there for me. We also have the best conversations. I believe this to be very important. There are still times when we will get into conversation with each other then realize we had just been talking for hours. He makes me feel so good about myself, always telling me I'm pretty and calling me 'sweetie'. My favorite is when I say something about me looking gross or feeling ugly he will laugh and say to me "Quit being weird." I couldn't ask for a more perfect person to be in my life. I really am so unbelievably lucky!
I love you, Burt.
This is at the Mackelmore concert in Park City
California 2013
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