Low points
-The feeling of losing everything.
-Having to start over.
-Feeling that everything for the few years prior have been a waste.
-The feelings of worthlessness, confusion, fear, intimidation, and anxiety all at once.
High points
-Feeling the unconditional love from my friends and family.
-Making a million more friends and feeling even more loved.
-Conquering my fears.
-Taking control of my life.
-Learning so much about myself I never knew was possible.
-Meeting the most amazing person I have ever met.
-Falling in love.
Eighteen- A book I could read over and over again and never get sick of. I'm awful. I can't even remember the last time I finished a book. Oh wait, Twilight..I finished that entire series. I do enjoy reading, but if a book does not catch my attention right away I will fall asleep by page 2. I am in the middle of a book at the moment, it's called Retribution. It truly is a very good and intriguing story, but I still have been reading it for about 8 months now. I really should read more. I guess if I had to choose one book as my favorite it would be..I have no idea. Let me read more and get back to you.
Nineteen- My biggest regret in life. None. Seriously, nothing. I think about what it could possibly be and I do have a few things in mind, but then I think 'what if that didn't ever happen? Where would I be?' Everything that has happened has led to something else. Weather it was good or bad, I learned. LIVE and learn.
Twenty- How important I think education is. It's pretty important, I guess. If you want to do something with your life and in order to do it you have to go to college, then do it. If what you want to do doesn't require much education, then great! I obviously believe in getting a high school diploma or GED, at least. But I have always been a very creative and right brained person so I only will go as far as I am required to when it comes to school. I do believe working hard is important, no matter what you choose to do. And I definitely don't judge anyone who has less education or more then me. I don't really care to be honest. I just love everyone!
Twenty-one- One of my favorite TV shows.. FRIENDS! My sister and I are so funny, we are always quoting different things to each other from Friends. If you are around us for more then 5 minutes you will ear us say at least once, "Remember on that one episode of friends when this happened?!"
I also am addicted to Pretty Little Liars, but right now what girl isn't. From ages 12+, if you are a girl, you should be watching that show! I also love anything on HGTV. Is it weird that I find joy in watching other people house shop or do home renovations?
Twenty-two- How have I changed in the past two years? Drastically. For the better, for sure. I have learned to be happy and I am now more happy then I have ever been, because I decided to be. I accept life as it comes and don't take anything for granted. I have felt more love and therefore learned how to love fully, from the moon all the way down to the tiniest plant. I feel more myself then I ever have.
Twenty-three- Post 5 pictures of famous people you find attractive.. Okay.
My #1 celebrity crush..Bradley. I am a sucker for blue eyes, brown hair, and the scruffy look!
#2, Jake. Again, those eyes!!
#3, Ryan. (I actually think he is most handsome in The Notebook. Maybe it's the clothes, or the old fashioned romance, I don't know.)
#4..I honestly can't think of anyone else..Weird! I guess I am picky. Well, there are my top 3! Enjoy.
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