Saturday, August 31, 2013

Four, Five, Six.

      Well, I new this would happen! I'd get behind on my posts at some point. I just didn't think I'd get this far behind! These past couple days have been so stressful with work that I really haven't had time to blog at all.  I work part time as a medical assistant at a pediatricians office so with flu season around the corner things are getting crazy!

      Day four I was supposed to blog about my views on religion. This topic would of made a very small blog post anyway because it is not something I like to talk, hear, or think about. I am a living being just like all other living beings, and wherever we all came from, we came from the same place. I just do the best I can to be a good person and respect all people, animals, and the earth because that's what I believe in. I feel like some people use religion as an excuse to judge others. Maybe some people need religion in their lives and I get that, having something to believe in, but thats not me. I am who I am, the best I can be, and when I die I guess I'll find out the truth. I don't live to stress over it, I just want to live a great life and have fun! Also, I could care less about what anyone else believes in, I'm not here to judge and I don't. I am me and you are you and that's how it should be. Just accept me for who I am and I will accept you as well. That's all.

      Day comfort foods and why. First of all, I am a girl, and (most, not crazy) girls love chocolate! And boy, do I looooovvee chocolate!! If this were me 8 months ago I would have to say Reese's and Moose Tracks ice cream are my comfort foods to die for! However, being vegan, I had to find new favorite treats. I thought this would be difficult but I easily found things I love more. Now days I find most treats to be too sweet for me. I am surprised because I have always had a giant sweet tooth, but now I'll take one bite of a cake and can't eat any more. My new favorite comfort foods are now coconut or almond dairy free and soy free ice cream, (I prefer the coconut kind because it seems to always stay nice and soft. The almond ice cream is not as creamy, but still delicious!) vegan nachos, (made with Whole Foods home made tortilla chips! They never get soggy!) and choffy.
      Most people don't know what choffy is. I didn't even know what it was until a co-worker told me about it a few months ago and I fell in love!  Choffy is 100% premium cacao (cocoa beans). Cacao is referred to as a superfood for its fantastic health benefits. For those of you who know me, you know I love the word healthy! And if I can have 'healthy' and 'chocolate' in the same thing I'm in treat heaven! Choffy is a drink like tea, and if you like tea and chocolate I highly suggest you try it! 

      Day six. My zodiac sign and if I think it fits my personality. Honestly, I knew I was an Aries but had to look it up to find out what that meant.

An Aries in a nutshell:

Aries Strength Keywords:

- Independent
- Generous
- Optimistic
- Enthusiastic
- Courageous

Aries Weakness Keywords:

- Moody
- Short tempered
- Self-involved
- Impulsive
- Impatient

I guess it fits me in certain ways. Independent, definitely! Generous, I do try to be. Optimistic, I have been told I am quite often. Enthusiastic, maybe a little too much sometimes. Courageous, I think so and have been told that as well. Moody, yes. Not always but I can be just like anyone else. Short tempered, no. Self-involved, I don't think so. I care about others deeply. Impulsive, yes. Impatient, I can be. When it come to other people I am very patient. But if I want something, like a new tattoo or lens for my camera, I will do what I can to get it! But just like anyone else I have just as many good qualities as I do bad, I'm sure. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Day Three: Pet Peeves

      Today I am supposed to blog about my top 5 pet peeves. Honestly, I don't know if I can think of that many, although I'm sure I have plenty. Hmm..

      First- When people chew with their mouths open. I don't care how old you are, 50 years or 5, it's gross. Don't do it and teach your children not to! 

      Second- When my dog licks my feet or legs. It tickles, and not in a good way. 

      Third- Oh! When people whip out their cell phones during a movie in the theatre. I hate when I have paid to see a movie and am totally into it then having a bright light catch my attention from the corner of my eye. It's very distracting. 

      Fourth- The sound of people biting their finger nails. I don't care if people bite their nails, but I just can't stand the sound. 

      Fith- This one may sound a bit odd but I do not like when I am sleeping and people whisper around me. The sound of a whisper wakes me up worse then the sound of someone just normally talking. I guess I just don't really like that 'whisper' sound. I know, it's weird. 

      That's all. I'm sure there are plenty more things I can think of if I keep trying. Sorry this is just a short, pointless blog post. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Day Two: Future

     Day two..I'm surprised I have even lasted this long...
 Today I am supposed to write about where I would like to be in 10 years. This is a tough subject because I am a very 'live in the moment' type of person. I do think about my future and want certain things, but nothing is certain and people change all the time. I can say that I would like to be with my amazing man and my handsome dog. Maybe another dog would be in the picture by then as well. And hopefully we will be living in a house and not an apartment. I would like to have seen lots of the world by then. Traveling the world is number one on my list.
      Mostly, I just want to be happy, and that's not hard. I am a strong believer that if you decide to be happy you will be. So, I'm not concerned about where I will be in 10 years from now because I know I will be happy. I don't think my appearance would change much, I'd hope to be healthier and in great shape but I hope that for myself now. I will probably have more tattoos because that's just who I am.  I know I will still be doing photography. It is my dream to be able to travel and photograph.

      As for everything else, who knows. Ten years from now is so up in the air. So is only a few years from now.

That's all.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Day One: Relationship Status

      I have been wanting to blog more but can never think of a topic or put enough word together to be able to. So, I have decides to take a 30 day blogging challenge. I have a list I will be following of a certain topic I have to blog about every day for the next 30 days. I have decided to do this challenge because, to me, blogging is important. Not necessarily blogging, but just keeping a journal and writing down feelings and thoughts. I do have a journal I like to write in, but I only do so about once a year...maybe. I just find it so much more difficult to write in a journal then to type on a blog. It's still nice to be able to look back on those few journal entries of mine and remember where I was at that point in life and compare it to how far I have come and where I am now. This is why I want to blog. I don't care if anyone wants to read it or not because in the future I do, and I'd like for my future children (if that ever happens) to be able to look back and relate themselves to me when I was their age. Close friends of mine know some of my past so to them it's no surprise why preserving memories is so important to me.

      For my first post I am supposed to write about my current relationship. I like this topic. As most of you know, this would not of been my ideal topic only 10 months ago. Going through a divorce was one of the most difficult things I have ever dealt with. (As you can tell from my previous blog posts.) But I look at my life now from how it was then and the difference is like night and day. I can legitimately say..I am happy. I am. I normally am always a happy person, no matter what, but there is an insane difference between being happy on the outside and really being happy deep down. Don't get me wrong, I am an extremely independent person and don't need a man in my life to make me happy, lots of things make me happy. My friends and family have always been a big part of it. At the end of the day when you are able to come home to someone you care for so much and they care for you the same way it's just different. I can't explain it, but it's a great feeling!
      I have been dating my boyfriend, Burt, for about 7 months now. I have always known of him because he played in a band I really liked, but it wasn't until just the end of last year that I actually met him. We started spending a lot of time together and fell for each other quickly. We made things 'official' January 25th of this year. I will always remember that date because it was at the Macklemore concert in Park City. That was a wonderful weekend, we had tons of fun and really got to know each other. It wasn't much later we got serious and moved in together. We now live in an amazing apartment in Salt Lake City and have an adorable, big, fuzzy bear for a child. (Our dog.)
      I know it seems like our relationship has moved quickly, and it has, but we became best friends before anything. Because of this I think our relationship has been more then perfect. We have so much fun together and have so many things in common, it just makes things that much easier. He supports me and is always there for me. We also have the best conversations. I believe this to be very important. There are still times when we will get into conversation with each other then realize we had just been talking for hours. He makes me feel so good about myself, always telling me I'm pretty and calling me 'sweetie'. My favorite is when I say something about me looking gross or feeling ugly he will laugh and say to me "Quit being weird." I couldn't ask for a more perfect person to be in my life. I really am so unbelievably lucky!

I love you, Burt.


This is at the Mackelmore concert in Park City

California 2013

Monday, August 12, 2013


      Surprise!..I moved again! I wasn't planning on it but when I had half my stuff moved into the house I was moving into, it turned out that everyone had to be out by the end of the there I was again, looking for somewhere else to live. Only this time I had some stuff in one place and more in another. It was a difficult move, but worth it! Burt and I found an amazing apartment and we love living here! It's called Citifront apartments, but its a new addition so we are the first to live in this section of the apartments. Everything is updated and brand new. And also on the plus side, a gym and pool I have been taking full advantage of!

      Since we moved into a little bigger of a place we decided to look around at some animal shelters with hopes of possibly finding a dog. We have talked about getting a dog for some time now but have never had the space until now. We spent a huge majority of our weekend visiting shelters and walking dogs to see which one we would like to take home with us. It breaks my heart to have to put the ones we did not choose back into their cages, they were all wonderful dogs! I wish we could of adopted them all!

      After checking lots of shelters we found that the shelter called 'Second Chance for Homeless Pets' was having an adoption day at Pets Mart so we decided to check that out. They had a few puppies and cute little dogs we could choose from, but one dog caught our eye. He wasn't a puppy, but still young. A 3 year old Akita/German Shepard mix, so they said. I believe him to be an Akita/lab mix due to his floppy ears and webbed feet. Either way he is handsome! We walked him around a bit and felt that this is the dog we need to get. We spoke to the lady and found out a little bit more about him. It turned out that he had been a stray and was taken to the Humane Society of Utah but was never adopted. He eventually was next in line to be killed until someone from Second Chance saw him and just could not leave him behind. They have had him there in their shelter for a few months now and he still just could not get adopted. After hearing this I was shocked..I really could not think of any reason not to adopt him, he seemed perfect! So, we did!

      Vater has now been in our home now for only a couple of days, but he fits in perfectly! He is a big dog but our apartment is a good size for him. We have a little bit of work to do with him, he is not potty trained. Luckily, we have stained concrete floors in our apartment so it hasn't been much of a problem and he seems to be learning quickly. He also has some scabs from being scraped up a bit and a very sore, scabbed up neck from what looks like him being chained up on a choke collar for too long. And he is VERY skinny! He is a fluffy dog and should be a lot huskier then he is, but instead you can see his spine and ribs really well, even through his fluffy fur. We have him on a healthy diet and hope to see some weight gain quickly. But he is so happy, you can tell! I got attached to him right away with is sweet, cuddly, loving personality. He is our new best friend already.
